Last updated
Last updated
From your Launcher folder, double click the Nemesis Downfall Launcher.exe file
Always launch the game through the launcher to ensure you have the latest version of the client
The launcher will check for updates, patch your client if required then launch the game.
Once launched, the game will itself check for the latest version of the Launcher and update it if required.
When prompted, enter you credentials defined during Sign-up.
You will land on the main lobby screen.
For more informations about the different elements and menu, consult our menu guides. If you just want to play quick, make sure you select "Scavenger Hunt" (Free to Play mode) and "skirmish" (Multiplayer) in the game selection menu, then hit "START"
You will be queued to start in the next created game.
Queuing time may vary based on amount of other players queuing and times of the day. Restarting queue does not change anything.
Once the system has created / found a game for you, you will see a game loading screen then the game will start.
There is a 30s pre-game period to let everyone join. Kills don't count during this period.
You have joined Scavenger hunt / skirmish game, which is a free for all deathmatch where the first player to 20 kills win. See detail of game modes for more information.
Default controls are W A S D ( Z Q S D for AZERTY) for motion, G H for grenades, E for item use, R for reload, left click to shoot and right click to aim. You can customize controls in the setting menu.
That's it, have fun!